top of mind news
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The Guanajuato region in Mexico still has light volume, but rain is expected for the next week which will slow down production. Peru volume has decreased due to cooler than normal weather in the south. The northern region has good volume, but sizing is off.
Green Beans
Green bean markets remain active due to growers currently transitioning. The Virginia growing region is just getting underway for the summer. The crop is light but steady. North Carolina’s growing region dodged the tropical storm; for the most part, there is some mold due to the rain, supply is light.
As the season winds down, volumes from Mexico continue to decline and will do so for the next 1-2 weeks. California, New Jersey, and North California will continue supplying the markets. The upper Northwest has begun its season with low volumes but is expected to increase quickly.
Very high temperatures experienced the week of 6/14 in Arizona have severely affected sizing, whereas most being harvested in central AZ and the Imperial Valley are 9 counts and larger. Very few 12 counts and 15 counts are being seen, and this trend should continue through the balance of the Arizona season. Cantaloupe production in California will begin harvesting in a small way by later next week and pick up momentum the week of 7/5.
Honeydew production continues to be extremely limited. An overall lack of production both domestically and from Mexico. Growers do not anticipate any relief on the honeydews until the California region begins in early to mid-July.
Iceburg Lettuce
Supplies remain steady out of the Salinas Valley growing region. Supplies continue to increase week over week due to optimal growing weather. The quality is very good.
150 counts and larger remain limited. Markets are decreasing and are expected to continue this trend. 175 counts and smaller are in good supply.