The Dish Market Report, February 21, 2022

Top of Mind News


Tenders were up while dark meat was flat. Wings should continue to be available. The breast market continues to be very strong. Whole birds were up as supply continues to tighten.


Larger supplies and lack-luster demand drove this week’s market to be under pressure. Outpacing demand are rib and tender availability. Overall market pressure could drive price lower. 


Hams were sold off this week as exports to Mexico are down. Ribs are trading side ways but demand is steady. Butts are expected to remain stable.

The Sea


The Covid resurgence has made restaffing difficult in China. Record low harvest for Gulf Oysters. Oyster companies are scrambling to acquire raw materials to freeze for the half-shell market. Supplies will be tight in the coming months.  

The Garden


Mushrooms are in serious trouble. The sector continues to be plagued by limited availability and excessive prices. Strawberries are still scarce and in poor supply.

The Kitchen Sink


The block and barrel markets are in decline for the week while the butter, cream and eggs market are up due to bad weather across the country.


Soybean oil markets moved higher over the last couple of weeks due to demand increases, higher crude oil, much higher palm oil, and a consistently high Canola market.