The Dish Market Report, December 29, 2020

top of mind news

This week’s DISH MARKET REPORT is sponsored by Fresh Concepts.


The Caborca/Ciudad Constitucion Mexican growing regions are still experiencing cooler nights and days, slowing down production significantly. Supplies are expected to remain tight until mid-January. Pricing has increased this week.


Mexico is ramping up harvest early this week in preparation for a holiday slow down. It’s anticipated that the holiday won’t diminish Mexican avocados’ overall pace entering the US market, yet picking is expected to slow significantly. We have seen an immediate effect on pricing and supplies. Pricing is expected to trend higher until January 4th due to the holidays. Reports indicate dry matter levels, on average, remain in the 28% range. Aventajada/Marzena crop is mainly being harvested in Mexico, and the Loca crop is nearly complete.

Green Beans

Florida production remains short, and demand is beginning to pick up for the holiday pull. Pricing has seen an increase over the past several days. Supplies out of the East are expected to remain light through mid-January.


Current cantaloupe production saw a significant shift in sizing to smaller fruit 15 counts, leaving larger fruit in an extremely limited position. Quality continues to be good with solid brix numbers and flavor. Supplies continue to be lower than projected volumes due to the effects of the hurricanes/tropical storms.


Excellent supply and quality of both baby orange carrots and baby rainbow carrots from Guatemala.


Supplies are expected to remain steady as multiple growing regions (Florida, Mexico, Oxnard, and Santa Maria) are supporting demand. The overall quality is good, with good shape and color.