The Dish Market Report, May 30, 2022

Top of Mind News


Price increases are slowing for the random breast market which has been historically high. Tenders are tight with high prices. Production has been constrained from lighter bird weights.  


Price points on chucks and rounds have stabilized and attracted grinders. Tenders continue to soften with a lack of demand. Buyers seem content to buy hand to mouth and not get over extended.  


Butts have been trending up for Memorial Day. Loins are also trending upwards. Ribs remain flat for next week while bellies saw a slight uptick.  

The Sea


Demand from both retail and foodservice are causing market index’s for groundfish to trend higher. Mahi-mahi fishing is going through off-season in South America. The 2021/2022 catches are dismal and below average which is resulting in higher raw material costs with reduced landings.  

The Garden


Lime markets continue to improve this week though larger sizes will continue to be short. Tomato volume has tightened as volume was lower than expected. Capacity overall has tightened across the country. Shippers are looking for rates to drop.  

The Kitchen Sink


The cheese markets appear to have leveled out after being on a steady increase. Strong exports have been a driver. Avian Influenza has pushed eggs higher. Butter markets were down with a soft demand.  


The grain markets were strong last week with wheat markets finishing 12% higher. Soybean oil futures have been supported by a lackluster USDA report.