The Dish Market Report, March 14, 2022

Top of Mind News


Breast Market is up and demand is staying strong. Wings are down but are slowly increasing. Tenders were up and the market is staying strong.


Ribs continue to trade sideways. Strips and tenders are looking to bounce. Weather has impacted harvest levels and transportation. Since packers need to keep boxes moving, aggressive buying levels are the norm.


Fresh bellies have declined while supply has remained strong. Hams are continuing upwards as we head towards Easter and Mothers Day. Retail has seen a new interest in bellies keeping the market moving up. Spareribs will continue to trade sideways.

The Sea


Oyster companies are looking for raw materials to freeze. All Texas public fishing areas are closed. There is a record low harvest for Gulf Oysters

The Garden


Mushrooms are in serious trouble. The sector continues to be plagued by limited availability and excessive prices. Strawberries are still scarce and in poor supply.

The Kitchen Sink


Current demand and milk production are pushing block and barrel markets up. The butter market is up as the egg market is down.


Soybean, canola and palm oil markets are up. Sunflower oil market is down 50% as much of the production derives from Ukraine. Poor production of palm oil is pushing the market to an all time high. Drought in South America is pushing soybean oil high.