Smithfield Pork Loins

The Smithfield family of brands offers pork loins taken from specialized stock born and raised in the USA. They are then expertly hand-trimmed to exacting standards so they offer little waste, are moist and delicious, and are perfect for today’s on-trend menu offerings. Their loin roasts make an irresistibly delicious meal when brined or rubbed with a spice mixture and barbecued over indirect heat.

Smithfield delivers the cuts consumers crave.  Just the mention of pork starts people’s thoughts wandering to thick chops, succulent tenderloin, and fall-off-the-bone ribs.  Always moist and full of flavor, Smithfield Pork helps you satisfy your guests’ cravings with innovative products that bring quality and variety to any menu.

Smithfield pork delivers quality cuts that are perfect for roasting, grilling, and everything in between.  Their cuts are hand-trimmed for superior quality, and are vacuum-packed for easier storage and extended shelf-life. While overcooking pork is often a concern, Smithfield Extra Tender Pork is nearly impossible to overdo. Their Extra Tender Pork takes the best cuts available, and enhances their flavor using a proprietary solution that locks in moisture during storage and cooking.  The result is a premier line of fresh pork that’s juicier and tastier than fresh pork, even if it’s well-done.

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